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Birdsong’s Blog

Watch our music video featuring “Spider Song”

Dear Arachnid-Loving Friends,

Discover the fascinating world of spiders with me — in our music video,
“Spider Song”. Watch images and live footage of spiders and their webs, learn about their incredible weaving abilities, and sing along with me. After researching spiders and composing “Spider Song”, I feel awe and deep respect for this often misunderstood “carnivorous arachnid”.  Now I notice them everywhere!. I wonder if you will too.

I really enjoyed writing my “Spider Song” with lines like: “I’m a carnivorous arachnid who is perfectly adapted to survive in any place where I can catch bugs while I hang in space.”  And thanks to my producer, Jim Coffey of Blue Vision Music, this song has a very cool instrumental accompaniment that “moves” like a spider and its strands of silk. I hope it inspires you to make up hand motions or dances to go along with the song. Enjoy!

With love from your word-weaving friend,

Teachers and Homeschoolers: Continue the learning with our interactive companion lesson in Google Doc format.