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Birdsong’s Blog

Watch a Humpback Whale calf do a penduncle throw | Sing Humpback Whale Song for Kids

Dear Whale-Loving Friends,

I had the pleasure of crewing on Captain Dave’s Dolphin and Whale Safari today during this beautiful encounter with a Mother humpback whale and calf. Watch the calf do a peduncle throw! The creator of this video suggests that the calf was throwing a tantrum when it lifted the entire lower half of its body and tail out of the water and landed it right on top of mom. What do you think?

This calf will be with its mother for about one year as it nurses, grows and learns from its mom about how to feed and survive in its ocean home. This calf was most likely born in the warm waters of Mexico. Thanks for this terrific footage, Domenic Biagini and for a great tour, Captain Tom!

Want to sing a song about humpback whales? Download the lyrics and then listen to my “Humpback Whale Song” from our CD “IF I WERE A FISH and other Ocean Songs for Kids. 

Your First Mate and Singing Naturalist,
