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Birdsong’s Blog


Dear Friends,
There are less than 25 vaquita porpoises remaining in the Gulf of California. Their situation is dire as scientists are working together with the Mexican government, local fisherman and international organizations to save this rare and beautiful cetacean from extinction. Please join our musical campaign and let’s tell the world about the vaquita with our song, “Viva la Vaquita”.  

Here’s how it works:

1. Be a Vaquita Friend when you purchase a download of “Viva la Vaquita” for 99 cents and encourage  your friends to join our campaign. Proceeds from song sales will be donated to the non-profits listed below*

Be a Vaquita Hero
by purchasing 10 song downloads of “Viva la Vaquita” at 99 cents each (Total of $9.90) and you will be our guest at our next private on-line concert, date TBA. Then send the song to 9 of your friends or family  and they will also be invited to the concert!

Be a Vaquita Super Hero
by purchasing more than 10 songs and concert tickets.  Just click here.

4. 1Song4Vaquita – Record yourself with your phone as you sing along to the chorus of “Viva la Vaquita” and then email it to us by July 4. We will then create a short film of people from different locations singing “Viva la Vaquita”. The video will be used to raise awareness about the vaquita on, and beyond, International Save the Vaquita Day on July 8.

Let’s work together, with a song, to save the endangered vaquita porpoise. Thank you!

With love,

*Proceeds from sales of “Viva la Vaquita” will be donated to and 

The vaquita porpoise is the most endangered marine mammal in the world. 
Learn more about the vaquita.

“Viva la Vaquita” is one in a growing collection of animal songs for kids by Birdsong and the Eco-Wonders. Watch our song trailer: