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Migration (Lesson and Song Download)


Learn about the amazing migration of the Pacific gray whales with this catchy song, music video, and accompanying interactive lesson in Google Doc format. This bundle includes an editable Google Doc, lyrics, and download of our song, “Migration”. The lesson includes our YouTube music video, questions, activities, crafts, coloring pages and resources for additional learning.

Subject Matter ~ Ocean, Sea, Wild Animals, Geography


“Migration. Migration. My, my, my, how far those gray whales go!” Learn about the annual journey of the Pacific gray whales— one of the longest migrations of any mammal alive—in this YouTube music video by Birdsong and the Eco-Wonders.  Featuring our catchy song, “Migration” from our CD “IF I WERE A FISH and Other Ocean Songs for Kids,” this video teaches about the amazing gray whale migration from the cold seas of Alaska to the warm lagoons of Baja, Mexico. This video is filled with beautiful photos of gray whales, footage from performances of Birdsong and the Eco-Wonders, and the chorus lyrics for reading and singing along. The interactive companion lesson is editable and in Google Doc format. It includes questions, activities, crafts, coloring pages, and resources for additional learning.