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Birdsong’s Blog

“Oxford the Octopus” – Song and Companion lesson

October Sale!
For Teachers and Homeschoolers:

Our theme for October is the amazing Octopus! What do the octopus and the month of October have in common? They both have the root “octo” which means “eight” in Latin. The octopus has eight arms, so its name makes sense. But why does October, the tenth month of the year, have a root of “octo”?

We did some research and discovered that October was the “eighth” month of a ten-month year in the ancient Roman calendar. When the calendar added two more months, the name October simply carried over. And the octopus? It has eight arms no matter what month or year it is! We think the octopus is such an amazing creature that we wrote a song in its honor, created a standards-based lesson featuring our “Oxford the Octopus” music video. We’ll be sharing fun facts about the octopus throughout the month of October. Stay tuned!

Have you seen our “Oxford the Octopus” music video?:


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Birdsong is an environmental songstress who is passionate about about Nature, music and inspiring kids to be students and stewards of the Earth.  Read more...


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