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Birdsong’s Blog

Our Favorite Springtime Music Videos and Lessons

Dear Friends,

Here are some of our favorite music videos and lessons for the spring season. Learn about the relationship between wildflowers and pollinators, howl like wolf pups, and celebrate World Turtle Day and World Oceans Day. Here’s our pick of songs, videos, and companion lessons. Enjoy!

Image links to "Flowers have Gone Wild" video page

“The Flowers Have Gone Wild” music video teaches about wildflowers and pollinators with a fun and whimsical chorus.   Check out its interactive companion lesson.


“Leaders of the Pack” music video –  It’s springtime and wolf pups have been born! Image Links to video page for "Leaders of the Pack"
Alpha wolves and their pack are ready to take care of them. Howl and sing along! This song also has an interactive companion lesson.

Image links to page with music video "Here We Go"

“Here We Go”   Celebrate World Turtle Day with our music video
about baby sea turtles. Then download the free PDF of its
companion lesson! Add to the fun by watching a
second-grade chorus perform “Here We Go” with costumes and enthusiasm!

Image that links to page with music videos "Keep the Ocean Clean"“Keep the Ocean Clean” music videos. Celebrate World Oceans Day with our rockin’ song and videos. “Keep the Ocean Clean”  features dolphins, whales, pinnipeds, sharks, sea turtles, tide pool creatures, and Oxford the Octopus – all with an important message about protecting our oceans. This song also has an interactive
companion lesson.