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Animal Videos

Watch one of the gorilla videos that inspired my kids song, “BELLA THE GORILLA”.

Hello Fans and Primate Lovers!

This is one of the several gorilla videos I watched  while I was composing my animal song, “Bella the Gorilla”. Since I had never met a gorilla in the wild, I felt it was important to understand as much as possible about these remarkable primates to help me write an educational song about them. This video by BBC portrays the family life of gorillas and made their lives more real for me. My song “Bella the Gorilla” can be heard on our CD “EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED and Other Animal Songs for Kids”. Watching this video and listening to this song today made me want to move like a gorilla!

With appreciation to all who work so hard to study and protect the Mountain and Congo Gorilla of Africa,


Learn about echolocation in “CLICKETY-CLACK”, our animal song video about dolphins.

Hello to all my dolphin-loving fans! 

I first posted this animal song video in 2009, and it has so far been the most-watched music video on our Birdsong and the Eco-Wonders YouTube channel. This song video for kids has photos of dolphins (thanks to NOAA), the song “Clickety-Clack” from our CD IF I WERE A FISH and Other Ocean Songs for Kidsand the lyrics to the song so that you can sing along with me. 

I got my idea for this song “Clickety-Clack” when I learned that dolphins make clicking and clacking sounds to communicate with each other and to find objects in the ocean. This is how it works: They make a sound and the sound quickly travels through the water. When the sound hits an object in the sea, the sound then bounces back to the dolphin and makes a picture of the object in the dolphin’s mind. This is called “echolocation.”  The echoing sound and the picture it creates helps dolphins find food, other dolphins to play with, and boats and objects in the sea. As I learned about this, I kept hearing the words “clickety-clack” in my head, and before I knew it i was creating this song. 
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Learn about wolves in our animal song video, “LEADERS OF THE PACK”.

Hello all you animal lover fans!
I’m excited to share my newest music video about wolves, featuring my song “Leaders of the Pack” from our CD EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED and Other Animal Songs for Kids, as well as some fun performance footage. I absolutely love singing this song, and it makes me smile to think of you singing and howling along. So take a break, watch this with your family and have a howling good time learning about wolves!

With love,

Watch our animal song video, “SO BIG! BLUE WHALE”- a tribute to the largest animal on the planet.


Dear Friends,
     I’m so excited to share my animal song video about the world’s BIGGEST animal, the blue whale.  “SO BIG! BLUE WHALE!” includes footage from my very fortunate sightings of blue whales off the coast of Southern California, U.S. This video also contains  concert highlights and song lyrics so that you can read or sing along. Help me pay musical tribute to the largest animal on the planet by watching and singing along to “So Big! Blue Whale!” from our with love CD IF I WERE A FISH and Other Ocean Songs for Kids”. This song is one of a growing collection of whale songs and other animal songs for kids by Birdsong and the Eco-Wonders. Enjoy!

With love,


Watch our kids song video about a very clever invertebrate – “OXFORD THE OCTOPUS”

Teachers and Parents:
We’ve created an interactive companion lesson that features this video and helps children dive deeper into the song’s content. Lesson includes questions, activities, crafts, song lyrics and resources for additional learning. This lesson meets CCSS in English/Language Arts and Next generation Science.

Watch our Butterfly Song Video for Kids, “I ALMOST KISSED A BUTTERFLY”


Dear Friends,

I was walking down a trail one day and, before I knew it, I was writing the song, “I ALMOST KISSED A BUTTERFLY”. This song is one of my favorites and is featured in this animal song video by the same name. This video mixes our live performance with the soundtrack from our CD “Everything is Connected and Other Animal Songs for Kids”.  It also includes the song lyrics so that you can sing along with us; and it ends with some fun questions about butterflies and caterpillars.

This song is based on a true story of my encounter with a butterfly while hiking at Crystal Cove State Park in southern California, USA. You can hear the story of this encounter  and the original rough recording of “I ALMOST KISSED A BUTTERFLY” on a previous blog post. I love singing this song and find it to be a wonderful way to celebrate these very interesting insects. Look for caterpillars and butterflies the next time you are outside! If you see a butterfly, please blow it a kiss for me.

– Birdsong

Watch our Gray Whale song video for kids, “MIGRATION”

Dear Friends,

The gray whales have arrived in the lagoons of Baja, Mexico and they have having their babies! This is always such an exciting time of year for us at Birdsong and the Eco-Wonders. In 2007, we were lucky enough to visit the gray whales in the San Ignacio lagoon in Mexico. The mothers and baby whales came right up to our boats, poked their heads out of the water and let us touch them. (We even snuck in a kiss or two!) It was very exciting and the whales so beautiful. Thank you, gray whales, for making contact with us. We will remember you forever!

I hope you enjoy our gray whale song video for kids, “MIGRATION”. It includes beautiful photos of the gray whales taken by our friend Guy Loucks, performance footage of Birdsong and the Eco-Wonders (taken by our friend Michelle Spieker) and beautiful singing by our friend and fan, Ella.

A whale of a hug to you,


Welcome to the Blog of Birdsong and the Eco-Wonders, where kids, animals and music come together, one fun song at a time.

We are very excited about our blog.  Here we will post songs, videos, photos and interesting facts about some of our favorite animals. We’ll even post songs that we are still working on and ask for your comments or suggestions.

We’re really interested in hearing from you. You probably know some cool things about the animals we are singing about. Maybe you have a comment, drawing or photo to share.  Maybe you have an idea about what we can do to protect a particular animal or how we can help protect the Earth. Or maybe you just want to read, listen or watch. That’s cool too.

Our first video will include  photos and a song about the California Gray Whale. It’s called “MIGRATION.”  This whale is so amazing. It was close to extinction twice but, because of the Marine Mammal Protection Act, the gray whale is now protected and its population is growing. Stay tuned for our animal song video, “MIGRATION” in our next blog post.

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