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Animal Videos

Watch “KEEP THE OCEAN CLEAN” – our kids’ music video about protecting the ocean and its animals!


Listen to what the dolphins, whales, sharks, sea turtles, octopus and other ocean creatures have to say about how we can keep the ocean clean!

Love ocean creatures? Watch more of our ocean animal music videos about dolphins, octopus, gray whales, blue whales, pinnipeds, and orcas.

Watch BBC video of Mobula Rays doing belly flops!

Do you love ocean animals? Watch our music videos about sea creatures that include dolphins, whales, octopus, sharks, sea turtles, seals, sea lions and walruses!

Watch my Spider Song-in-Progress

Hello Dear Friends.

I’m really excited  to give you a sneak preview of my kids’ song about spiders. I started writing this song a few years ago because some fans requested it  … and I listen to my fans! 😉 I now see spiders and their webs everywhere; and I am fascinated by them. In fact, the very day I was creating this video, I found a spider in its newly-constructed web just outside my door. When I went to check on the spider a few hours later, it had caught a black soldier fly in its web and had already wrapped it up in silk. A day later, it had finished eating the fly.  I often have close encounters with the animal I am writing about, and I took this as a sign that it was time to share my song-in-progress with you.

    In this video, you will hear a rough version of my spider song. You will also see some spider photos and videos that I took while doing my research. If you listen closely, you may notice that I use quick, steady taps and strums on my guitar strings. I do this to represent how quickly and industriously the spider grips and weaves each strand of silk. I also chose a melody for the chorus that, for me, represents the beauty and awe I feel when I see a spider in the web it has created. It is no wonder that spiders have inspired artists and storytellers throughout the ages. They have certainly inspired me to write this song for them… and for you.

With love,

Watch a Spider construct its Web… and stay tuned for a new Spider Song by Birdsong!)

Dear Friends and Arachnid Scientists,

For the past two years, I have been taking photos and videos of spiders and their webs, every chance I get in any place a can, e.g. in my backyard, on hikes, in parks, in the backyards of friends and in the yards of strangers. I have been learning a lot about spiders along the way and, as I have a habit of doing, writing a new song about them. I’m getting excited as a prepare my spider song video to share with you in time for Halloween; until then, I’m excited to show you this beautiful video I found while doing my research on spiders.

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Watch our PINNIPED PARADE music video and learn about seals, sea lions and walruses.

 Hello my ocean-loving friends!

 “Come to the Pinniped Parade with me! There’ll be beautiful fin-footed friends to see!”  Learn about pinnipeds (seals, sea lions and walruses), their characteristics, behaviors and sounds in our fun, educational, sing-a-long video for kids, PINNIPED PARADE”.  This animal song video has real pinniped sounds, photos from NOAA and my song of the same name. I invite you to sing, bark, burp, growl and march along with us!  

“PINNIPED PARADE” is one of the songs on our CD IF I WERE A FISH and Other Ocean Songs for Kids and is one of my favorite animal songs  to dance to. ENJOY!

With lots of noisy ocean animal sounds,


Watch “HERE WE GO” – our sea turtle song video for kids of all ages!

Hello friends!

Here we go, go, go! Wish us luck, luck, luck!” sing the newly hatched sea turtles in this fun and educational sing-a-long video for kids of all ages. Watch it and you will learn about the amazing life of baby sea turtles, the kinds of food they like to eat, and how they find their way to the ocean in the middle of the night. This video features my song “HERE WE GO” with beautiful photos of sea turtles as well as the song lyrics so that you can read and sing along with me.  Also, if you watch carefully, you will see Dr. Marcie and me singing “HERE WE GO” with children in San Pedro, Ambergris Caye in Belize and Orange County, California.

“HERE WE GO” is a favorite of our fans and is on our CD IF I WERE A FISH and other Ocean Songs for Kids. (A download of this song is my gift to you when join our email list!) Teachers and Parents, check out this song’s interactive companion lesson for grades K-2.

Here we go!


Dance to “WORM POOP SONG” – An Animal Song Video about worms and how they help plants grow

Dear Friends:
While the worms are hard at work in the ground, I have been singing “Worm Poop Song” to children, teachers, parents and grandparents wherever we go. This kids music video is a live performance of Birdsong and the Eco-Wonders singing “Worm Poop Song”. We asked some children in the audience to volunteer their dads to help us sing and dance to this song. In this video you will see the four volunteered dads wiggling like worms and singing along to the “worm poop” chorus. If worms could laugh I think they would find our tribute to them quite comical! The audience seemed delighted to watch these terrific dads dance, sing along, wiggle like a worm and sing “poop”. It took everyone just a few seconds to realize that it’s okay to say “poop”…and then off goes the whole audience singing with gusto: “POOP! POOP!” And how can we not sing it? Worm poop, also known as worm castings, is very important to our gardens and to the health of our plants and ecosystems. 
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Read “The Kids’ Times” by NOAA and learn more about the blue whale!

Read “The Kids’ Times: Blue Whale”  by NOAA.


Like the blue whale as much as we do? Watch our music video,
“SO BIG! BLUE WHALE!”, and sing your heart out with us 🙂

Birdsong meets Killer Whales! Watch our new kids video featuring our song, “ORCAS”.

Dear Whale and Dolphin Lovers,
Hurray!  I met the Orcas (aka killer whales)!  In a recent trip to the
U.S. San Juan Islands, Birdsong and the Eco-Wonders had the privilege
of encountering the Southern Resident Orcas that are featured in my song “ORCAS” from our CD EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED and Other
Animal Songs for Kids
 Imagine my delight when we sighted “Doublestuf” (JPod-34), an orca who is named in my song! We also met local educators, captains and researchers who are advocates of these beautiful and intelligent creatures and inspired us with their stories and dedication. They encouraged us to 
sign a petition to help save these orcas.
     Needless to say, I feel more connected than ever to these animals; and I now have a new music video to share with you. This video weaves together my orca song with beautiful photos taken by my new friend, Captain James Maya, by NOAA and by me. Lyrics are included in the video, so watch and sing along with me with me as we celebrate the
Orcas of the Salish Sea.
With love,


Watch Humpback Whale thank its rescuers!

Learn more about humpback whales in our kids song, “Humpback Whale Song”, from our CD IF I WERE A FISH and Other Ocean Songs for Kids.