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Animal Songs

Learn and sing about caterpillars and butterflies in these fun videos!

Hello my friends.

I’m happy to share with you these two fun and educational videos about the story of the life cycle of caterpillars and butterflies. I find this story to be one of nature’s most beautiful wonders. The video above is by Kids Education Online and in it you can watch caterpillars from the moment they hatch until their amazing metamorphosis into a butterfly. Be prepared for awe and wonder! The next video can be found on a previous post and it features my very own song, “I Almost Kissed a Butterfly” with lyrics. This song is based on a true butterfly story and is filled with lots of fun facts about these insects. I hope you will sing along with me and that my story inspires you to look closely for butterflies, caterpillars and other insects the next time you are outside. Have fun!

With a joyful flutter,


Sing “Migration” as we meet the baby gray whales in San Ignacio Lagoon!

Dear Friends,

      Great news!  My whale watch captain friends tell me that there have been sightings of more than 800 calves of Eastern Gray Whales (aka the California Gray Whales) this season. This means the population of this once-critically endangered animal continues to grow strong!  Celebrate Gray Whale migration season with me by immersing yourself in this fun and moving music video about our gray whale encounters in Baja, Mexico as well as by watching the  videos listed below. 
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Northern Elephant Seals gather at their land rookery as Birdsong sings “Pinniped Parade”!


Dear Friends,

    Today’s featured animal is the Northern Elephant Seal. Friends of the Elephant Seal, a non-profit organization in San Simeon, CA (USA), writes on their website: “The northern elephant seal, Mirounga angustirostris, is an extraordinary marine mammal. It spends eight to ten months a year in the open ocean, diving 1000 to 5800 feet deep for periods of fifteen minutes to two hours, and migrating thousands of miles, twice a year, to its land-based rookery for birthing, breeding, molting, and rest.”

I had the pleasure of meeting these elephant seals last month at the Piedras Blancas elephant seal rookery during 
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Learn about Dolphin Echolocation and sing our dolphin song, “Clickety-Clack”

Learn (above) and sing (below) about Dolphin Echolocation.
It’s amazing!

Gorilla Twins are born in Central Africa! Celebrate the news with our kids’ song, “Bella the Gorilla”.

Hello Fellow Primates!

Read the good news about baby gorilla twins born in the Dzanga-Sangha conservation area of the Central African Republic, courtesy of World Wildlife Foundation and The Dodo. Celebrate this wonderful event with us by singing our animal song, “Bella the Gorilla”.

With a heartfelt congratulations to their mother (Malui) and father (Makumba),


Watch a Baby Gray Whale Play with Kids/Sing-Along to our whale song “Migration”

Hello my friends.

Check out this video by Lindblad Expeditions-National Geographic and you’ll see a baby gray whale interacting with children in Baja, Mexico. Look closely and you’ll see physical characteristics that include baleen in their mouths and the two blowholes on the top of their heads. As alway, when you are finished watching, I invite you to sing along to our gray whale song MIGRATION.

I continue to feel tremendous wonder and awe when I learn about these whales. I am especially moved by their friendly nature and the way they seek out contact with humans
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Learn more about the animal that inspired “Migration”, my kids song about the California Gray Whale

Hello whale-loving friends!

It’s that time of year again, when the California Gray Whales are migrating to their calving and breeding lagoons in Baja, Mexico. They began their more than 6,000 mile journey from Alaska last October, and many of the whales have already arrived in Mexico. Here in Laguna Beach, California, we are fortunate to often see the gray whales off our coast, spouting and sometimes breaching as they make their long migration south. It is perhaps the longest migration of any mammal alive; and it’s this migration that inspired my kids’ song by what other name but… “Migration”!       “Migration” (from our CD IF I WERE A FISH) also includes interesting facts about the behavior of the mother gray whales and their calves. It’s a catchy song and a favorite of our fans to sing 🙂

Since I’m not able to include everything there is to know about the gray whales in a song, I’d like to share with you a great article about the grays in “The Kids’ Times”, by my friends at NOAA. Check it out below to learn more about this amazing animal.

Sending a whale of a hug to you,

Click on image to read the entire article

Click on image to read the entire article

Happy New Year from the animals we met in 2015! Click the arrow below:

Watch “KEEP THE OCEAN CLEAN” – our kids’ music video about protecting the ocean and its animals!


Listen to what the dolphins, whales, sharks, sea turtles, octopus and other ocean creatures have to say about how we can keep the ocean clean!

Love ocean creatures? Watch more of our ocean animal music videos about dolphins, octopus, gray whales, blue whales, pinnipeds, and orcas.

Watch my Spider Song-in-Progress

Hello Dear Friends.

I’m really excited  to give you a sneak preview of my kids’ song about spiders. I started writing this song a few years ago because some fans requested it  … and I listen to my fans! 😉 I now see spiders and their webs everywhere; and I am fascinated by them. In fact, the very day I was creating this video, I found a spider in its newly-constructed web just outside my door. When I went to check on the spider a few hours later, it had caught a black soldier fly in its web and had already wrapped it up in silk. A day later, it had finished eating the fly.  I often have close encounters with the animal I am writing about, and I took this as a sign that it was time to share my song-in-progress with you.

    In this video, you will hear a rough version of my spider song. You will also see some spider photos and videos that I took while doing my research. If you listen closely, you may notice that I use quick, steady taps and strums on my guitar strings. I do this to represent how quickly and industriously the spider grips and weaves each strand of silk. I also chose a melody for the chorus that, for me, represents the beauty and awe I feel when I see a spider in the web it has created. It is no wonder that spiders have inspired artists and storytellers throughout the ages. They have certainly inspired me to write this song for them… and for you.

With love,