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Birdsong’s Blog

Listen to Baby Humpback Whales “Whisper” to their Mothers

Dear Whale-Loving Friends,

An exciting study has revealed that baby humpback whales seem to “whisper” to their mothers. This is according to scientists who have recorded the infant whales’ quiet grunts and squeaks. These sounds, recorded in Western Australia, are very different from the loud, haunting sounds sung by adult male humpbacks. Scientists guess that the babies might be “whispering” so that they won’t be overheard by a nearby predator, such as a killer whale. These sounds may also help mothers keep track of their young in murky waters. Listen to the humpback calf sounds below, courtesy of NPR, and learn more about this study in an article on their website. 

Sound is a important form of communication for all cetaceans, and we have so much more to learn about the sonar world of whales, dolphins and porpoises. Theirs is a very dynamic and mysterious world, indeed! Listen to the beautiful sounds of male humpbacks singing in the background of my “Humpback Whale Song” from our CD “IF I WERE A FISH and Other Ocean Songs for Kids”. You can also hear the clicks, whistles and squeals of dolphins in our music video “Clickety-Clack”. These two songs are among our growing collection of whale and other animal songs for kids.

Your devoted friend of the sea, earth and all things wild,
