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Birdsong’s Blog

I Almost Kissed a Painted Lady Butterfly!

Dear Friends,
    Thousands of PAINTED LADY BUTTERFLIES flew through my Southern California neighborhood on the morning of March 15th! I tried to kiss one, but they were much too fast! Some stopped in my backyard to feed.

    They totally captured my attention and I followed them around, awestuck, with a camera in my hands. Millions of painted ladies migrated through California, USA that week — from their wintering grounds in CA’s Mojave and Colorado deserts en route to Oregon, Washington, and beyond. They are one strong and hearty butterfly, with speeds of 10-20 mph! What a magical encounter it was! Check out the photo gallery below amd then watch our music video, “I Almost Kissed a Butterfly”, featuring our butterfly song from our CD EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED and Other Animal Songs for Kids”. Want to learn more about the painted lady butterfly and their amazing migration? Stay tuned for my next blog post. 

Fluttering with love for butterflies,