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Birdsong’s Blog

Four Ways to Help Animals Adapt to Their Habitats

Dear Friends,

    Last week I was delighted to encounter two coyotes during a
morning walk on the trail above my neighborhood. I was equally delighted and awestruck this morning to see a beautiful hawk perched on a neighbor’s balcony. Spring is here and many wild animals with whom we share our neighborhoods and natural surroundings are beginning to breed. They are mating, building their nests and dens, and will soon be hunting food for their young. While they do so, let’s encourage their natural sense of hunting by discouraging their dependence on humans for food. Please take the following precautions: 1. Keep your small pets inside at night and supervised during the day;
 2. Avoid leaving food and water outdoors for animals; 3. Secure your garbage cans; 4.Close your screen doors. If we tune in to Nature, we can find wise ways to coexist with our wild neighbors. 

    And as for that white-shouldered hawk on my neighbor’s balcony? When my neighbor realized it was eying her pet rabbit, she took the bunny indoors where it will stay for the remainder of Spring. We then admired the hawk until it flew off into the canyon across the street where it likely will find its next meal – in the wild.

    Learn more about animal adaptation by listening to our animal song for kids, “Adapt to the Habitat” iTunes or Soundcloud.