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Birdsong’s Blog

When Did You Fall In Love With The Earth?

Dear Friends,
     I’ve been in love with the Earth since I was a little girl. In fact, the first love poem I ever wrote was to the tree outside my bedroom window. I took refuge in that tall, beautiful oak tree and felt a deep connection to it, as well as to the animals it housed in its trunk and branches.  I grieved when it died years later, yet somehow knew it would always be a part of me.

    Today I understand more deeply than ever that the Earth and I belong to each other. I’ve tried to express this in my short music video, “I Belong to the Earth”.  It’s my Earth Day gift to you–and it all began with the tree outside my bedroom window. When did you first fall in love with the Earth? Write back to me or share it on our YouTube channel. I’d love to hear your story!

With love for the trees and all of you, Birdsong



 Four Ways to Help Animals Adapt to Their Habitat

 Keep the Ocean Clean – Sea Turtle Coloring and Activity Page

 Earth is Our Home- 2018 Music Video