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Birdsong’s Blog

Congratulations to our Eco-Wonder Hero: “Aeon for Ocean”!

Dear Friends,
I am proud to announce that our friends and partner, Aeon for Ocean, received a 2018 Sustainable Eden Prairie Award!”Aeon for Ocean was honored in the water category for public education and outreach on the connectivity between freshwater and ocean health, including waste clean-up events at local lakes and presenting to schools on sustainable practices. Way to go, friends! 

‘Aeon for Ocean’ is a Minnesota based ocean conservation non-profit founded by now 8-year-old Aeon Bashir, with mission ‘’To educate and increase awareness about ocean conservation and marine life among kids, and to inspire kids to be leaders in protecting the world’s oceans”

Aeon is one of my Eco-Wonder Heroes! He and his “krill ambassadors” are teaching kids common sense solutions for plastic pollution, organizing beach clean-ups, and giving school presentations about the connection between clean waterways and a clean ocean. These kids are leading the way for a sustainable future and I’m excited about that! Learn more about Aeon for Ocean and join their growing team of volunteers and “Krill Ambassadors”.

If this post has you feeling inspired to do something to protect our oceans, get even more inspired by singing along with our kids’ music video, “Keep the Ocean Clean”.
Your Friend,
