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Birdsong’s Blog

Celebrate World Oceans Day With Us!

Ahoy Mates!
June 8 is World Oceans Day and this year’s theme is preventing plastic pollution and encouraging solutions for a healthy ocean. 

Watch our updated music video, “KEEP THE OCEAN CLEAN – CELEBRATING WORLD OCEANS DAY” and join me in taking the plastic challenge. I’m refusing plastic straws, bags, and containers. What will you do? Together, we can solve the plastics pollution problem and help protect our ocean for generations to come.
Happy World Oceans Day!

Singing with love for the Ocean,

Here are some “zero waste” tips from our friends at the Sierra Club:

    •    Switch to reusable bags and jars for shopping, and invest in a refillable water bottle.
    •    Get rid of disposables, such as single-use plastic bags, straws, containers, etc.
    •    Use your own containers/travel kit and pack your own lunch
    •    Recycle light bulbs, printer cartridges, batteries, etc.
    •    Compost food scraps, paper, etc. Switch to using items that are compostable.
    •    Be clever when you go shopping with reducing food waste in mind.
    •    Buy in bulk, preferably organic and especially local foods. Packaging is just more stuff to throw away.
    •    Replace things you use with waste-free products or make your own.
    •    Go digital and get rid of junk mail.
    •    Minimize, downsize and say no to unwanted stuff. Chances are it could wind up in a landfill.

Thank you for doing your part to keep the ocean clean!

Your First Mate,
