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Birdsong’s Blog

Coloring Page for World Oceans Day – #TogetherWeCan!

Dear Friends,

June 8 is World Oceans Day and it’s yet another great day to celebrate the ocean that connects us all. You can join the celebration with a coloring page of this year’s beautiful World Oceans Day poster. Just click on the poster above, print the coloring page, and then get out your markers and crayons!

There are so many reasons to celebrate the ocean. For instance,  70% of the oxygen we breathe is produced by marine plants. So take a nice deep breath, and then thank the ocean! The ocean does lots of other important things for us that include:

  • Helps to feed us
  • Regulates our climate
  • Cleans the water we drink
  • Offers a pharmacopoeia (huge collection) of medicines
  • Provides recreation and limitless inspiration!
  • Is home to some of the largest animals on the planet that give us many reasons to be “wowed” and “awed”.

Want to learn more about why the ocean is so important? Read all about it in one of our previous blog posts.

Want to learn what you can do to help protect the ocean? Watch our “World Oceans Day” music video,  check out the “Guide to Common Sense Plastics” by our partner Aeon for Ocean, and take the plastic pledge.

Finally, watch my World Wildlife Day video and let me inspire you to #DoOneThingToday. It features a fun poem I wrote as well as one of my favorite ocean animal songs for kids, “Keep the Ocean Clean”. My friends, with your help, #TogetherWeCan protect our amazing oceans for generations to come!

Singing with love for the ocean and all who live there,
