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A Drawing of Sea Creatures by Jaden, a fan of Birdsong and the Eco-Wonders


A picture of sea life drawn by Jaden, a five year old fan of Birdsong and the Eco-Wonders

A picture of sea life drawn by Jaden, a five year old fan of Birdsong and the Eco-Wonders

This is Jaden’s drawing of sea creatures sent to us by Jaden’s mom.  Jaden is a fan of Birdsong and the Eco-Wonders and gave his permission for us to post this on our website and blog.

This is what Jaden’s mom says about the drawing:

“My son Jaden drew these sea creatures while listening to Birdsong and the Eco-Wonders singing “IF I WERE A FISH and Other Ocean Songs For Kids” (his favorite CD!). I thought I would send it to you so you could see the art that your music inspired. There’s an octopus, sharks, dolpin, fish, sea turtle, sea otter, walrus, and whale (with kelp) – can you find them all?”  — Angela W.   (

We love kids songs and art about about ocean animals, especially kids’ drawings.  Please send us your art or drawings about animals if you’d like others to see it on our Blog.  You can send your drawings of ocean animals (or any animals)  to Birdsong at:
