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vaquita coloring books

My new song about the endangered vaquita porpoise

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Download Coloring Books and Learn about the Vaquita porpoise, the most endangered marine mammal in the world | Download Coloring Books


Vaquita in the northern Gulf of California, Baja, Mexico

Vaquita Coloring Book – English

Vaquita Coloring Book – Spanish

Dear Friends,

In my training as a cetacean Naturalist, I began learning about the endangered Vaquita, the smallest of the porpoises and the smallest of all the cetaceans (Cetaceans are the whales, dolphins and porpoises). The vaquita porpoise is considered by many to be the rarest and most-endangered species of marine mammal in the world. It is estimated that there are only 70 or so vaquitas remaining. They all live in the Gulf of California, which is in Baja, Mexico.

The more I learn about the vaquita porpoise, the more I want to write a song that honors them and brings awareness to their critical situation. In fact, later today I will be speaking with two experts on the vaquita in order to learn more about this beautiful porpoise. I find that talking to an expert who is passionate about a given animal  helps me to create a song that is accurate, believable and heart-felt.

In this post are two coloring books about the Vaquita (courtesy of, both in English and Spanish. I’ve also included some facts about this endangered porpoise.

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