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Octopus Article

Read “What the Octopus Knows” by Sy Montgomery and watch our music video “Oxford the Octopus”

Dear Octopus and Mollusk Lovers,

I’m excited to share with you a fascinating article about octopuses and their unique ways of being, written by one of my favorite journalists and naturalists, Sy Montgomery and published in the LA Times online.

Octopus_vulgaris2_Wikipedia Image

Below are excerpts from Sy’s article, “WHAT THE OCTOPUS KNOWS”. When you are finished reading, let your octopus awe continue as you sing along with our all time favorite octopus song video, OXFORD THE OCTOPUS! The more I learn about this amazing creature, the more I am convinced that we are sharing our world with countless intelligent animals from whom we have much to learn!

with love and an eight-armed hug,

From “WHAT THE OCTOPUS KNOWS” by Sy Montgomery:
“IT CAN CHANGE COLOR and shape. It can taste with its skin. It has a beak like a parrot, venom like a snake and ink like an old-fashioned pen,

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