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kids video about humpback whales

Learn about this magnificent marine mammal – Humpback Whale Video and Song for Kids

Hello my cetacean-loving friends.

As a “singing crew member” on Capt. Dave’s Dolphin and Whale Safari, I have had the privilege of spotting numerous humpback whales and observing their feeding and acrobatic behaviors. Watch this fun adventure video by  “All Things Animal TV” to learn about this magnificent creature and listen to my “Humpback Whale Song” for kids to hear some male humpback whales singing. I could listen to their songs everyday 🙂 I’ve also included some links to more humpback whale videos at the end of this post. Enjoy!

Your singing cetacean naturalist and friend,



Humpback Whale Breaching over and over again!

-Humpback Whale Thanks Its Rescuers
