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kids songs that teach about whales

Birdsong meets a Blue Whale and sings her kids song “So Big! Blue Whale!”

Blue Whale Spout

Dear Friends,

Just a few days ago, I met a blue whale in Dana Point, CA, US! What a thrill it was to hear its breath and be close enough to take these photos. The blue whale is the largest animal on the planet. This one was about 70 feet long and some can grow as large as 85-90 feet. I’ll never forget the sound of its breathing. While we waited for the blue to re-submerge for a breath, my crew mates and I sang my kids song “So Big! Blue Whale!”. Thank you Capt. Steve, Desi and crew for this opportunity. It was a magical day on the ocean. Thank you, also, to the hundreds of Common Dolphins and seabirds that also made our day. More photos: 
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Sing “Migration” as we meet the baby gray whales in San Ignacio Lagoon!

Dear Friends,

      Great news!  My whale watch captain friends tell me that there have been sightings of more than 800 calves of Eastern Gray Whales (aka the California Gray Whales) this season. This means the population of this once-critically endangered animal continues to grow strong!  Celebrate Gray Whale migration season with me by immersing yourself in this fun and moving music video about our gray whale encounters in Baja, Mexico as well as by watching the  videos listed below. 
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Learn more about the animal that inspired “Migration”, my kids song about the California Gray Whale

Hello whale-loving friends!

It’s that time of year again, when the California Gray Whales are migrating to their calving and breeding lagoons in Baja, Mexico. They began their more than 6,000 mile journey from Alaska last October, and many of the whales have already arrived in Mexico. Here in Laguna Beach, California, we are fortunate to often see the gray whales off our coast, spouting and sometimes breaching as they make their long migration south. It is perhaps the longest migration of any mammal alive; and it’s this migration that inspired my kids’ song by what other name but… “Migration”!       “Migration” (from our CD IF I WERE A FISH) also includes interesting facts about the behavior of the mother gray whales and their calves. It’s a catchy song and a favorite of our fans to sing 🙂

Since I’m not able to include everything there is to know about the gray whales in a song, I’d like to share with you a great article about the grays in “The Kids’ Times”, by my friends at NOAA. Check it out below to learn more about this amazing animal.

Sending a whale of a hug to you,

Click on image to read the entire article

Click on image to read the entire article

Birdsong and the Eco-Wonders say hello to a gray whale.

In the this photo

Birdsong and Dr. Marcie say hello to a gray whale in San Ignacio lagoon, Baja Mexico. We kept singing our song

Birdsong and Dr. Marcie say hello to a gray whale. How lucky are we?

Birdsong and Dr. Marcie will never forget this moment when they were greeted by a gray whale in San Ignacio Lagoon, Baja Mexico during a trip with our friends from Baja Discovery.

This was a very special moment for us. We really wanted to see a whale so we kept singing our kids’ song “Migration” until a baby gray whale and its mother heard us and came right up to our boat. “Migration, Migration, my, my, my how far those gray whales go!” we sang. And that gray whale looked us right in the eyes!

“Migration” is one of the first songs recorded by Birdsong and the Eco-Wonders and is on our CD “IF I WERE A FISH and Other Ocean Songs for Kids.” When Birdsong first heard about these amazing whales and their long migration every year, she knew she wanted to write a kids’ song about the gray whale. Birdsong often sees the gray whales off the coast of southern California where she lives. They make the longest migration of any mammal alive! How lucky are we to have had the chance to be so close to a baby gray whale?  We hope he or she liked our song “Migration!”

Do you have any special memories of seeing a whale?

Watch our Gray Whale song video for kids, “MIGRATION”

Dear Friends,

The gray whales have arrived in the lagoons of Baja, Mexico and they have having their babies! This is always such an exciting time of year for us at Birdsong and the Eco-Wonders. In 2007, we were lucky enough to visit the gray whales in the San Ignacio lagoon in Mexico. The mothers and baby whales came right up to our boats, poked their heads out of the water and let us touch them. (We even snuck in a kiss or two!) It was very exciting and the whales so beautiful. Thank you, gray whales, for making contact with us. We will remember you forever!

I hope you enjoy our gray whale song video for kids, “MIGRATION”. It includes beautiful photos of the gray whales taken by our friend Guy Loucks, performance footage of Birdsong and the Eco-Wonders (taken by our friend Michelle Spieker) and beautiful singing by our friend and fan, Ella.

A whale of a hug to you,

