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IF I WERE A FISH and Other Ocean Songs for Kids

Friendly Gray Whale in Dana Point, CA make us want to sing!

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Humpback Whales Sing with a Flute!

Dear Whale-Loving Friends,

This video by Chip Richards reminds me of the day I wrote my *“Humpback Whale Song” for kids. I put on a recording of humpback whales singing. As I listened to their songs, I felt such deep emotions and I started playing my guitar and humming a tune that turned into these words: “The most incredible songs I’ve ever heard, come from the sea and they have no words. They’re the beautiful sounds of the humpback whales, singing their songs, telling their tales, in oceans all around the world.”

As I watch this incredible video, “Singing With the Whales”, I am reminded of the inspiration and love that that whales and dolphins invoke in us. When there is an encounter and exchange between the whales and humans (like the one is this video), I am reminded of the intelligence of the animal world and that we all share this same beautiful planet.

Your singing cetacean naturalist,

*”Humpback Whale Song” can be found on our CD IF I WERE A FISH and Other Animal Songs for Kids.

Learn about Dolphin Echolocation and sing our dolphin song, “Clickety-Clack”

Learn (above) and sing (below) about Dolphin Echolocation.
It’s amazing!
