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Earth Rangers

Watch “Why We Need Bees” and sing along to “The Flowers Have Gone Wild!”

Dear Friends,

There’s a bee in my strawberry!  There’s a bee in my strawberry! How exciting!

Ok, a bee is not really IN my strawberry; but a bee worked very hard pollinating the flowers of a strawberry plant in order to help make this delicious fruit. So as I eat this strawberry, I think about bees and I feel very connected to them.

For the love of bees, I’d like to share this video by Earth Rangers.  It teaches  about the importance of bees and explains how and why they pollinate. This video also suggests ways in which we can help protect this buzzing insect. Take a few minutes to watch it and you, too, might think about bees the next time you eat a  fruit or vegetable you love 🙂



P.S.  If all this talk about bees makes you want to sing :), please check our our music video “The Flowers have Gone Wild!”.  It features my song about all kinds of pollinators and their special relationship with wildflowers.
