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dolphin communication

Learn about echolocation in “CLICKETY-CLACK”, our animal song video about dolphins.

Hello to all my dolphin-loving fans! 

I first posted this animal song video in 2009, and it has so far been the most-watched music video on our Birdsong and the Eco-Wonders YouTube channel. This song video for kids has photos of dolphins (thanks to NOAA), the song “Clickety-Clack” from our CD IF I WERE A FISH and Other Ocean Songs for Kidsand the lyrics to the song so that you can sing along with me. 

I got my idea for this song “Clickety-Clack” when I learned that dolphins make clicking and clacking sounds to communicate with each other and to find objects in the ocean. This is how it works: They make a sound and the sound quickly travels through the water. When the sound hits an object in the sea, the sound then bounces back to the dolphin and makes a picture of the object in the dolphin’s mind. This is called “echolocation.”  The echoing sound and the picture it creates helps dolphins find food, other dolphins to play with, and boats and objects in the sea. As I learned about this, I kept hearing the words “clickety-clack” in my head, and before I knew it i was creating this song. 
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