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blue whales song

Watch our animal song video, “SO BIG! BLUE WHALE”- a tribute to the largest animal on the planet.


Dear Friends,
     I’m so excited to share my animal song video about the world’s BIGGEST animal, the blue whale.  “SO BIG! BLUE WHALE!” includes footage from my very fortunate sightings of blue whales off the coast of Southern California, U.S. This video also contains  concert highlights and song lyrics so that you can read or sing along. Help me pay musical tribute to the largest animal on the planet by watching and singing along to “So Big! Blue Whale!” from our with love CD IF I WERE A FISH and Other Ocean Songs for Kids”. This song is one of a growing collection of whale songs and other animal songs for kids by Birdsong and the Eco-Wonders. Enjoy!

With love,

