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Celebrating “Year of the Bird” in 2018!

Dear Friends,
Meet Bernie and Kyeeka, my caique parrot friends. They enjoyed it when I read them this article “Why Birds Matter”. Did you know that 2018 has been named the “Year of the Bird” by National Geographic and its partners? And why not? Birds can be found on every ocean and on every piece of land in the world.
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Happy New Year from the animals we met in 2015! Click the arrow below:

Hooded Orioles find a habitat in Birdsong’s backyard!

Hooded Oriole Male with mothHooded Oriole NestHooded Oriole Female 2

Hello my music fans and nature lovers!

I had the privilege of sharing my backyard with this Hooded Oriole family over the course of Spring and early Summer this year. Each morning I awoke to their songs, and through out the days I watched them display their catch of insects and berries, listened to at least two broods of babies chirping in the nest and caught glimpses of the fledglings after they left the safety of the place in which they were hatched. I even caught the adults starting their family as they mated in my backyard. I missed them when they left, and I hope they found my yard and palm trees worthy enough breeding grounds to return to next year!

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