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Animal photos

Happy New Year from the animals we met in 2015! Click the arrow below:

Hooded Orioles find a habitat in Birdsong’s backyard!

Hooded Oriole Male with mothHooded Oriole NestHooded Oriole Female 2

Hello my music fans and nature lovers!

I had the privilege of sharing my backyard with this Hooded Oriole family over the course of Spring and early Summer this year. Each morning I awoke to their songs, and through out the days I watched them display their catch of insects and berries, listened to at least two broods of babies chirping in the nest and caught glimpses of the fledglings after they left the safety of the place in which they were hatched. I even caught the adults starting their family as they mated in my backyard. I missed them when they left, and I hope they found my yard and palm trees worthy enough breeding grounds to return to next year!

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Welcome to the Blog of Birdsong and the Eco-Wonders, where kids, animals and music come together, one fun song at a time.

We are very excited about our blog.  Here we will post songs, videos, photos and interesting facts about some of our favorite animals. We’ll even post songs that we are still working on and ask for your comments or suggestions.

We’re really interested in hearing from you. You probably know some cool things about the animals we are singing about. Maybe you have a comment, drawing or photo to share.  Maybe you have an idea about what we can do to protect a particular animal or how we can help protect the Earth. Or maybe you just want to read, listen or watch. That’s cool too.

Our first video will include  photos and a song about the California Gray Whale. It’s called “MIGRATION.”  This whale is so amazing. It was close to extinction twice but, because of the Marine Mammal Protection Act, the gray whale is now protected and its population is growing. Stay tuned for our animal song video, “MIGRATION” in our next blog post.
